Torres del Paine Trekking: Paine Grande to Grey Lodge


This post describes day 1 of our 5-day trekking adventure in Las Torres National Park. To get to the main article describing the entire trip, take a look here.


Day 1 of our adventure


As we only had half a day left, after the travel from Puerto Natales, we kept it pretty light on our first afternoon:

· Distance: 11,5km

· Time spent: 3h45 (including numerous stops for pictures and short breaks)

· Total elevation gain: 200m (although about 450 effectively ascended, given the numerous up- and downhills)

After arriving at the lodge or camping site, don’t forget the Grey lodge lookout at 0,5km from the lodge. It’s an amazing sight! As we went there pretty late in the afternoon, we had the place pretty much to ourselves. Take your time to get all the pictures you need from the different viewpoints. It’s the only place you get to the glacier pieces laying in the water so close and at sea level. Absolutely worth it.

Other Countries we visited
Have a look at the other countries we ‘achievied’ to visit, and other Achievies